
一个学期过去了, 又到了同学们选择自己的课后自主社团的日子。同学们在期待这次宣讲会的同时,又在回味上一个学期课后自主社团的精彩。











Time slipped away unnoticed; another semester quietly concluded, ushering in the moment for students to once again select their after-school clubs. While anticipating this exciting journey, students fondly recall last semester's memories, carrying hope for a more enriching future.


This semester's recruitment stands out as the most marvelous yet; every club leader seizes the opportunity to showcase their club before all others, eager to demonstrate their abilities and aspirations, all in the quest for more crew members. The rich and eye-catching posters evoke thoughts of hope, the future, and a desire for improvement.


The sacrifices made for this fleeting moment remain unknown. The Rubik’s Cube Club showcased their incredible skills in maneuvering the toy, while the French Club presented the audience with elegant posters. Music Club displayed their splendid musical abilities through captivating shows, and all other leaders presented their clubs with a similar level of attractiveness, making the decision increasingly challenging.


Post-show, everyone congregated within the reading room. Some students swiftly finalized their club choices, completing the voting process in a fair, concise duration. Others, more discerning in their decisions, paced amidst the array of posters, grappling with the decision of which club exuded a more outstanding disposition. Guidance professors also played a role, offering words of encouragement to students.


As time hurried along, the show neared its end. Despite the fatigue evident on the leaders' faces, they found warmth in their hearts due to their vibrant club members. Time slipped away further as students exited the room one by one, leaving it empty except for a few professors tasked with collecting votes. They drew inspiration from the liveliness and hopes emanating from the students.


Choosing one's club draws parallels to selecting a desired college. The students, seemingly in bloom, showcased outstanding skills and immense zeal for the subjects they love. Everything given will be repaid one day, and every effort made will be displayed with dazzling vibrancy in a single, unforgettable moment.


| 7-3 陆九茜 Cathy

| 7-2刘铭暄 Evan

编辑 | 杨晨