



辩论伊始,正方辩手提出了 AI具备的诸多优势。他们指出,AI拥有海量的数据处理能力和强大的逻辑分析能力,能够取代人类的劳动。正方辩手还提到,AI有能力为人类创设合适的情感环境,让人类进一步依赖AI。

反方辩手则以辩题中的 “取代”作为切入点,认为AI与人类并非同类,因此并不会出现“取代”这样的情况。且AI虽然能够处理大量信息,但在理解和解释复杂的人类情感和道德观念方面仍存在局限。





On March 28th, 2024, HBBSS held a grand debate competition in the lobby of the middle school building. The motion was: “Will Artificial Intelligence replace humans?” This debate arouses the interest of teachers and students in the contemporary relationship between AI and humans.


At the beginning of the debate, the proposition suggested that Artificial Intelligence acquires the ability to process data and logical comprehension. Therefore, they may be able to replace humans. They also suggested that AI can simulate emotional responses that people originally owned, further leading to humans being replaced by AI.


The leader of the opposition took their arguments from the definition that the term of “replacing” only happens between same species or of same characteristics, thus proving how AI has no way of taking the position of replacing humans because they are not species-man. Moreover, the opposition argued that although AI can program quickly, it still has drawbacks regarding comprehending moral restrictions, social standards, and human norms. During the cross-examination, both sides addressed new mechanisms and details.


After 40 minutes of exciting competition, the seventh grade, which stands for the opposition, won the debate. However, the final champion is not the most important, especially compared to the demonstrated intelligence, logical responses, and cooperation. Speakers from both sides were granted credit and awards.


This debate not only gave students the platform to show their best selves but also allowed students access to a great clash of thoughts and intelligence. It could be believed that this debate would bring much deep, sophisticated thought to the future.


中文 7-3 宫雨萱

英文 7-1 朱芷菲(指导老师:罗新杰)

图片 初中语文教师组

编辑  杨晨