我爱我的祖国 |杭校庆祝新中国成立70周年主题活动


周三下午,在杭校初中部 PG 课上,同学们心情澎湃的观看了新中国成立70 周年大事件回顾以及建国以来祖国日新月异变化的两个视频。

On Wednesday afternoon, middle school students in HBBSS watched two short films in their PG class. One is the big events review of People's Republic of China, and the other one is the rapid changes of our great motherland.




观看完短片后,同学们纷纷就新中国成立70 周年表达了自己的见解。新中国成立至今 70 周年,并不是一帆风顺的过程。我们回顾了中国发展史上比较重大的事件,和这些重大事件中关键的伟人,没有这些伟人所做出的贡献,也就没有我们现在繁荣昌盛的祖国。

After watching the short film, students have expressed their views on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It has not been a smooth journey. We have reviewed the major events in the history of China's development and the great people in these events. Without their contributions, we would not have achieved everything we have today.




有的同学想到了祖国 70 年来科技的变化。科学研究不是一蹴而就的事情,一个科研项目常常要花很多年的时间来研究。当遇到瓶颈期时,需要团队的意志和力量来克服重重困难,而最终总能够战胜困难,取得成功。

Some students mentioned the progress of science and technology in China in the past 70 years. Scientific research does not happen overnight. A research project often takes many years to complete. When there is a bottleneck period, the strong will and strength of the team is needed to overcome the difficulties, and eventually to achieve success.




小学部的孩子们在 PG 课上介绍了“新中国成立 70 周年”海报的内容。他们用自己独特的方式,表达着对伟大祖国的热爱,献上了对祖国 70 岁生日的祝福。

Primary school children showed their posters of “The 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China” in their PG class. They expressed their love for, and sent their best wishes to our great motherland in their own way.








| 8 2 )刘津舒

8 4 )吴壬甲

| 8 4  彭中一

| HBBSS  班主任

编辑 徐思思