
Hangzhou-Bay Bilingual School (Shanghai Jinshan)
On Duty System During Epidemic Prevention and Control
In order to do a good job of epidemic prevention and control before
the start of school, ensure the health and safety of teachers, staff and
students of the school, and further strengthen the epidemic prevention
and control work, the notice on duty during the epidemic prevention and
control period is as follows:
1. 教职员工因值班值岗需要进入校园一律佩戴口罩,在门卫处配合体温检
1. Teachers and staff shall wear masks when they enter the campus due
to the need of on duty. Everyone needs to cooperate with the temperature
test at the entrance guard and register for record. Except for the need
of duty, other personnel are not allowed to enter the school in the near
2. 进入办公室后,请打开窗户,保持公共场所空气流通。每天至少通风3
次,每次30 分钟。进出办公室勤洗手或者使用免洗手消毒液,注意手部卫生。
2. after entering the office, please open the window to keep the air
circulation in public places. Ventilate at least 3 times a day for 30
minutes. Wash hands frequently when entering or leaving the office or use
hand sanitizer, and pay attention to hand hygiene.
3. 值班期间避免人员聚集,人与人之间保持一米的间隔。
3. Avoid personnel gathering during the duty period, and keep a one meter
interval between people.
4. 各部门在疫情防控期间发现突发问题,要第一时间向学校疫情防控工作
4. All departments shall report the time, location, basic process,
impact scope, consequences, development trend, measures taken and other
key factors to the school epidemic prevention and control leading group
as soon as they find any emergency during the epidemic prevention and
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hangzhou-Bay Bilingual School (Shanghai Jinshan)
2020 年3 月9 日
February 9, 2020