2022 HBBSS 六一Talent Show


此次的云端Talent Show通过前期在线征集和节目选编,最终呈现了二十个形式多样、精彩有趣、制作精美的节目。




六一Talent Show正式开始!四位小主持人分别是来自G1-2的董立夫、G2-2的孟祥泰、G3-5的揭欣然和G4-3王乐妍,他们自信从容、意气风发,完美地进行了整场节目的报幕。


Talent Show


No.1  G3-4 全体合唱




No.2  G1-4 朱雅睿




No.3  G2-5 侯思羽




No.4 G4-2 周恕、忻稼依、王齐涵




No.5  G2-3 丁玺桦 

尤克里里弹唱 New Boy 



No.6  G2-6 余薏 




No.7  G1-3 马若初  G1-4  张笑语     

G1-6 蔡依纯

舞蹈 Be what you wanna be

三位朝气蓬勃的一年级同学带来一曲欢快可爱的舞蹈Be what you wanna be。疫情封控期间,这部舞蹈作品由三位小朋友分处三地录制,经后期合成后,为大家呈现出了同台表演的精彩效果!


No.8  G3-1 徐睿逸 




No.9  G3-6 薛斯齐 吴刘泽





No.10  G4-5 张天爱




No.11 G2-1 葛瑛琪


“昨夜雨疏风骤,浓睡不消残酒,试问卷帘人,却道海棠依旧”,李清照这首《如梦令》是“天下称之”的不朽名篇。《知否》正是出自这首语言清新,词意隽永的宋词小令。葛瑛琪 同学将这首古词新唱,带给了我们高雅的艺术体验。


No.12 G3-2 栾骏泽




No.13  G4-4 赵清予

独唱Square Root of Possible

这首歌是《铃儿响叮当Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey》的主题曲,歌曲旋律动听,高潮部分激昂、充满正能量。赵清予同学创意地通过投影的方式呈现表演,仿佛化身电影中的小主角,沉浸其中。


No.14 G4-5 苏于然




No.15  G1-2 高明远 

架子鼓表演 Have a nice day



No.16  G1-4 沈珈琪

竖琴演奏A whale of a tale



No.17  G4-6 柳程、王键崴





No.18 G3-3 黄思尧





No.19  G3-6 沈陶然

亲子弹唱Proud of You




No.20  G2-3 邱子芯











云端表演秀结束后,孩子们迎来了更加喜出望外的环节——幸运大抽奖。班主任们为同学们精心准备了二十余种精美的礼品:水笔套装、 减压笔记本、钢笔礼盒、小夜灯、小风扇、笔袋……通过红包抽奖、翻牌抽奖、九宫格抽奖,每一位同学都收到了一份充满爱意与祝福的surprise,抽到了梦寐礼品的小朋友快乐得手舞足蹈。三年级的班主任们也在这个特殊的日子为同学们策划了十岁生日活动,送上对他们的祝福与期许。


六一Talent Show完美落幕,在这天上海也如常归来,正式解封。犹如朝阳,犹如晨露,犹如新芽,愿HBBSS所有的小朋友们都茁壮成长,肆意欢笑。



2022 HBBSS Children’s Day Talent Show


June is the dreamland of childhood, June is the season of singing. June is the sun of childhood, and June is the season of dancing. June is a song, a happy song. On this joyous day, teachers from Shanghai Jinshan Hangzhou Bay Primary School carefully planned a cloud performance show and sent Children’s Day blessings to students studying at home.


This cloud Talent Show finally presented twenty programs of various forms, exciting and interesting, and beautifully produced through preliminary online solicitation and program selection.


Before the show officially started, the students were pleasantly surprised to receive a copy of the blessings from Chinese and foreign teachers from G1-G4 of the primary school and teacher Gu, who is the director of the primary school. The friendly faces and familiar voices of the teachers suddenly ignited the smiles of the students.


The Children’s Day Talent Show officially begins! The four little hosts are Raffle from G1-2, Andy from G2-2, Linda from G3-5, and Lareina from G4-3. They are confident, calm, energetic, and perfectly hosted the whole show.


Program introduction:

The first program was the song "The Lonely Brave" sung by all the students of G3-4. The beautiful singing was matched with the wonderful piano sounds of the little performers, and there were wonderful animations to help out. This work can bring strength and courage to us during the epidemic. This show received applause from many students.


The second program is the song "Like You" brought by Rachel Zhu from G1-4. Her emotional singing and contagious expressions made the students empathize. Like you, warm companions.

The third program is "You look so good when you smile" brought by Rainbow from G2-5. The brisk rhythm of this song has been learned by the students in the school music class, but Rainbow combined singing, cup rhythm and sign language to complete the performance in this program, which is full of creativity!


The fourth program is the song and dance performance "The Sun Never Sets" by Beibei, Elaine, and Louisa from G4-2. The distance did not hinder the tacit understanding between the three girls. Beibei 's wonderful piano playing , singing with Elaine and Louisa 's neat and energetic dance make this song “The Sun Never Sets” take on a new brilliance.


The fifth program is the ukulele singing "New Boy" brought by Xihua Ding from G2-3. This is a cheerful and positive song. The performer also added a wonderful second creation to the performance. Music accompanies the students to spend this happy Children’s Day together!


The sixth program is the piano performance "Kiujiro's Summer" by  Yi Yu from G2-6, which was created by the famous pianist Joe Hisaishi for the movie "Kiujiro's Summer". The rhythm of the whole piece is bright, fresh and natural.


The seventh program is a cheerful and lovely dance "Be what you wanna be”, by Ma Ellie from G1-3, Emily from G1-4 and Arie from G1-6. During the lockdown of the epidemic, this dance work was recorded by three children in three places. After the post-combination, it presented the wonderful effect of performing on the same stage for everyone!


"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night, whoever said that standing in the light is a hero." The eighth program is from Ruiyi Xu  from G3-1. The piano solo "The Lonely Brave" brought by him is different from G3-4 class chorus. This solo piano version is quieter and restrained.


The ninth program is a creative comic table sung by Jasper Wu and Jett Xue from G3-6. "Music is the common language of human beings, and it is also a good medicine to heal the soul." With the help of their parents, the two good friends created a song "We are in 2022" combining music and painting.


The tenth program is the ocarina playing "Big Fish" brought by Amy from Class 4-5. This song is the classic soundtrack of the domestic animated film "Big Fish and Begonia" released in 2016. The music is ethereal and moves with a bit of classical sadness in traditional Chinese culture. Amy from G4-5 also combined beautiful Chinese animation with ocarina playing this time, bringing an audio-visual feast.


The eleventh program is the song "Knowing or Not" brought by Ge Yingqi from G2-1. "Knowing or Not" comes from one famous Song Poem by Li Qingzhao .With fresh language and meaningful meaning, Ge Yingqi sang this ancient poem and brought us an elegant artistic experience.


The twelfth program is the Pipa solo "The Footsteps of Spring" brought by Luan Junze from G3-2. Pipa is an old musical instrument that has been played in this world for more than a thousand years. The footsteps of spring seem to be quietly approaching again from Luan Junze's smart pipa sound.


The thirteenth program is the song "Square Root of Possible" brought by Candice Zhao from G4-4. This song is the theme song of "Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey". The song has a beautiful melody and a climax. Excited and full of positive energy. Candice Zhao creatively presented the performance by means of projection, as if incarnated as the little protagonist in the movie and immersed in it.


The fourteenth program is the piano solo "Puppy Waltz" brought by Raymon Su from G4-5, which is one of the most famous waltzes by pianist Chopin. The music shows an amusing scene of a puppy chasing its own tail, turning it round and round. Through the performance of Raymon Su, this interesting scene was vividly displayed, so that the students seemed to really see a live "puppy waltz".


The fifteenth program was the drum performance "Have a nice day" brought by RouRou Gao from G1-2. The dynamic rhythm suddenly ignited the atmosphere of the concert and pushed the talent show to a climax.


The sixteenth program was a harp performance of "A whale of a tale" brought by Cathy Shen from G1-4. The harp is beautiful in appearance and full of artistic temperament. It is the oldest plucked stringed instrument in the world. After listening to Cathy Shen 's performance, an ethereal feeling came to mind, as if all the hustle and bustle had gone away.


The seventeenth program was a concert of classical guitar and violin brought by Shannon and Jian Wei from G4-6 to perform "Paknini". The sound of the two instruments is very harmonious. The beautiful music is like a butterfly flying in the air, like a bright star, twinkling in the night sky.


The eighteenth program is the parent-child program "Chicken Cha Cha Dance" brought by Santi Huang 's family from G3-3. This is a very popular dance song. Originally it was a simple English children's song, but people from all walks of life started to imitate it. The chick cha-cha dance performed by Santi Huang and his family added a lot of joy to the Children's Day.


The nineteenth program is a song “Proud of You” brought by Doris Shen from class 3-6, and her mom. There are probably no angels in the world, so there are families. During this special time, we enjoy the sunshine, the breeze, and the time spent with our families. Everyone immersed in it

Family members are our most solid support, our most loyal audience, and our most patient companions. The last show was "Four Chapters of Taekwondo Tai Chi" brought by Zixin Qiu from G2-3. This set of skills won the parent-child runner-up in the professional group of the Shanghai Online Style Competition in April. As an amateur athlete, her mother has the courage to challenge the competition of the professional group ,really set a good example for the child.


【Music group program】

At the end of the Children’s Day cloud performance show was "Tomorrow Will Be Better" brought by the music teachers. In the beautiful singing, the students who had not returned to campus for more than 2 months also saw many familiar class photos. Twilight's campus. The good times are always fleeting, but the cheerful laughter is always in our hearts.


Cheerful singing, wonderful performances, accompanied the students to spend this unforgettable Children's Day. Many children also watched the performance, enjoyed the food, and discussed their favorite programs with their partners. The joyful atmosphere spreads in the meeting rooms of all classes, and the excitement and joy of the students can also be felt across the screen.


After the cloud show was over, the children ushered in a more ecstatic part - the lucky draw. The class teachers have carefully prepared more than 20 kinds of exquisite gifts for the students: water pen sets, decompression notebooks, pen gift boxes, small night lights, small fans, pencil cases... Through the red envelope lottery, the flop lottery, and the nine-square lottery, everyone received a surprise full of love and blessings, and the children who got their dream gifts danced happily. The class teachers of the third grade also planned the 10th birthday activities for the students on this special day, sending them their blessings and expectations.



    The Children’s Day Talent Show ended perfectly. On this day, Shanghai also returned as usual and was officially unblocked. Like the rising sun, like the morning dew, like a new sprout, may all the children of HBBSS thrive and laugh freely.


中 | 严梦航  吕聪

英 | 四年级外教

图 | 上海金山杭州湾双语学校

编辑 | 曹琳 吕佳玉