
诗歌是文学宝库中的瑰宝。古今中外的名人名家用妙笔写下了无数脍炙人口的名篇,叩击着一代又一代人的心灵。诗歌对于小朋友们想象力的培养,对真善美感知力的熏陶,对语言文字的敏感度的养成,都是一种极佳的文学形式。为了让小朋友们感受诗歌之美,四年级举行了综合性学科活动 ——轻叩诗歌大门。小小诗人们在吟诵中陶醉着,笔尖也插上了想象力的翅膀。

在诗歌分享会上,小朋友们也兴致勃勃地分享着自己通过阅读诗集、上网查阅等途径摘抄的现代诗歌,讨论着诗歌史上的一颗颗明星:郭沫若、余光中、顾城、席慕容、泰戈尔 ……






Poetry is a treasure in the literary treasury. Celebrities and experts from all over the world have written countless famous works, tapping into the hearts of generations after generations. Poetry is an excellent literary form that cultivates children's imagination, their awareness of truth, goodness, and beauty In order to make children feel the beauty of poetry, a comprehensive discipline activity - tapping on the door of poetry - was held in the fourth grade. Little poets are intoxicated in their recitation. Their pen tips are also adorned with wings of imagination.


At the poetry sharing meeting, the children also enthusiastically shared their modern poems extracted through reading poetry collections and searching online, discussing the stars in the history of poetry: Guo Moruo, Yu Guangzhong, Gu Cheng, Xi Murong, Tagore and so on.


Children are born poets. The diverse selection of materials, interesting content, and lively forms of poetry have also inspired many young poets. Children either take advantage of the spring light to approach nature, or mobilize their five senses to observe the animals and plants around them to evoke deep emotions in their hearts. Under the guidance of the teacher, they overcome obstacles and complete modern poems full of childlike innocence and delicacy. Let's enjoy it together!


Not only that, the versatile kids in the class also designed colorful and creative covers for our poetry collection.


Poetry is the language of art - the highest and purest language. Poetry is the message that humanity sends to the future, and it gives humanity the courage to move towards ideals. Let us gain strength in poetry, seek beauty, and open a chapter of youth!



