
本学期开学以来,杭校八年级语文组组织了众多精彩的活动,其中成果最丰富的当数 “带你看中国民俗”和”带你看多彩春天”两个跨学科活动,将丰富的乡土人情和美丽的春日风光展现在小报和视频中。各式各样的民间手艺被同学们挖掘展示,缤纷的植物和活泼的小动物们则为我们展现了春天的多彩内涵。




过学课文《安塞腰鼓》《社戏》等文章,同学们被黄土高原人民的一腔热忱所感染,被迅哥儿和小朋友们看社戏吃蚕豆的欢乐所打动。他们也打开了记忆的闸门,回想起了许多自己家乡独特的民俗活动和精彩的童年经历。于是,在老师的组织下,同学们开始了这场中国民俗 /民间手艺的探访之旅。

很多同学的家乡分布在中国各个省市,上海、甘肃、新疆、哈尔滨、安徽还有广州,每个地区的民俗活动都各具特色。 “年画的风格是怎样的?”“不同地区的戏曲有什么区别?”“上海本地还有哪些民俗活动流传下来?”......一个个问题浮现在脑海中,在好奇心的驱使下,同学们开始实地走访、查找资料,用海报和视频展现独一无二的乡土风情。










Since the beginning of this semester, the Chinese Group of Hangzhou Bay Bilingual School has organized many wonderful activities. Among them, the most fruitful activities are "Take You to See Chinese Folk Customs" and "Take You to See Colorful Springtime", which show the rich local customs and beautiful spring scenery in posters and videos.


All kinds of folk crafts were explored and displayed by the students. Colorful plants and lively animals showed us the colorful connotation of spring. Through the articles "Ansei waist drum" and "She Xi", the students were impressed by the enthusiasm of the Loess Plateau people and moved by the joy of Brother Xun and the children watching opera and eating broad beans. They also opened the floodgates of their memories and recalled many unique folk activities and wonderful childhood experiences in their hometowns. So, organized by the teacher, the students started this journey to explore Chinese folk customs and folk crafts.


Many students' hometowns are located in various provinces and cities in China, such as Shanghai, Gansu, Xinjiang, Harbin, Anhui and Guangzhou. Each region has its unique folk activities. "What is the style of the New Year pictures?" "What are the differences between operas in different regions?" "What other local folk activities in Shanghai have survived?" ... Problems emerge in our minds, and out of curiosity, the   students began to field visit, find information, posters, and video to show the unique local customs.


The second activity that followed was to show the colorful springtime. Students studied their favorite plants and animals from the biological perspective, including the growing cycle of plants, conservation methods, animals' living habits, reproduction rules, etc. In the hands of the students, the beautiful spring was depicted in detail. Two wonderful interdisciplinary activities were very successful. The students not only gained knowledge but also exercised their abilities. Interdisciplinary research is based on the text to arouse students' thinking, combined with knowledge from other subjects. Students can learn to think in a combination of various aspects and enhance their ability to extract and filter information in the vast sea of information, which is also the purpose of interdisciplinary research. Students' thinking is more active, their vision is broader, and their practical ability is also greatly improved.


Interdisciplinary research activities are an excellent medium for students to show themselves, and their works are shared and exhibited. Most students enjoy it. I wonder what kind of topic you will be working on next time!


中| 8-1 章之韵

英| 8-1 肖然泽


编辑| 杨晨