



利用每天午会的时间,九年级各个班级对于行为和心理主题展开了讨论。行为主题午会 ——“我与手机有个约定”,学生与老师一起探讨了电子产品的管理问题,论述了自律的重要性与电子产品给我们日常生活带来的利弊。手机的功能无疑让我们的生活更加便利,但如果控制不好使用时间,沉迷于此,就会在生理上导致近视、腱鞘炎等病症,在心理上使我们更加焦虑。心理主题午会——用同理心交朋友,师生讨论了如何理解他人情绪和想法。在人际交往中,同理心意味着我们能够更好的了解、体谅和倾听他人。合理的利用同理心是打出真诚这一底牌的资本。在讨论中,我们有了共识,有了是非标准。






三月的最后一天,九年级各个班借着班会课举行了 “话青春”的活动,每个班级都请了不同的任课老师,分享自己青春的故事。

在这节课上,同学与老师畅谈青春,学生们更加了解在他们那个年代的教育环境、他们对自己职业的理解。教师是现代社会最光辉的职业之一,如今我们每个人都平等地享有受教育权,从而总是无法体会长辈总是挂在口边的、属于他们年代的艰辛与不易。但当这次,老师们在平等的位置上讲述他们同我们年龄相仿时遇到的种种困难,以及他们在学术上的精益求精、坚持不懈,班里一片唏嘘,无一不被打动。师生共 "话"青春,老师更多的希望学生去"画"自己的青春。




四月七日,九年级各班根据各自的主题展开了班会。从自律与自由、打造个人核心竞争力、 AI时代的核心竞争力、保持健康四个方面展开谈话。这四场与日常生活息息相关的讨论让我们彼此摩擦出了许多有趣、新颖的观点,所有人都乐在其中,并积极地思考。在此之中,我们学会互相尊重,懂得爱惜自己,接受自己的不足和看到自己的价值所在。我们与自己进行一场谈话,然后更加全面地了解自己。


你是谁?你的优势是什么?你想成为一个怎样的人?怎样才能成为这样的人? “我不知道。”又或是“我觉得我对……有兴趣”。尽管我们目标不清晰,努力与真诚永远是充实生活的必备条件,愿每个人都能活出自己最美好的样子。承认自己的平凡,发现自己的不凡。

当今时代,我们学习是为了学什么?哪些能力和品质可以让我们在时代的洪流下屹立不倒?当今的 AI,不过是在做一个搜集拼凑和重复格式化工作的角色,而其创新的能力并没有被挖掘。我们要趁现在的时间,努力创新思考,挖掘人类本性和真善美;学习中,培养批判性思维,对看似美好和完美的世界和体制进行质疑并努力改善。并且在困境中保持积极乐观的态度,尽人事听天命。发觉美好的当下,相较于成就伟大事业,也可以活一个美好的人生。





To think and question, to gain insights

The thoughts of the individual, more distinctive and glamorous than the blossoms seen after the first shed of light in spring, are among the most captivating merits that human beings have. However, it is only when individuals share their ideas and communicate with one another that they can fill in the cognitive gaps and give rise to new perspectives. During noon breaks and class meetings, students from grade nine discussed some common questions concerning themselves in different areas of life. By expressing ourselves and listening to different voices, we are developing the ability to reflect on ourselves and mature mentally.


—Discussions about our mentalities and behaviors

Using lunch breaks, classes in grade nine held comprehensive discussions about the behaviors we should exhibit and mindsets we should retain in daily life. For example, we discussed how to remain self-disciplined when using electronic devices. Technology is a double-edged sword. After exchanging point-of-views and listening to others' different ideas, we are able to realize the importance of self-discipline in dealing with phones and computers and learn to balance the benefits and harms of using electronic devices. Moreover, we discussed how to incorporate empathy into our daily interactions with others. These abilities would lead us to more achievements in communication.


—Discussions about our core competencies

During our class meetings, students shared their dream schools and showcased their aspirations for the future. As ninth graders about to start high school, students in HBBSS are already preparing for college application by reading the book Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need. Students in HBBSS have already begun to prepare for college applications. For us, dreams seem to be a gallery extending and meandering, with no ends visible to its travelers. However, each time we pronounce the word “dream” and devote efforts to it, we are closer to making the world wonder.


—Discussions on a Spring day

Grasping the tail of March, classes in grade nine held discussions about adolescence. Teachers are invited into different classes to share their adolescence.


During this class, teachers joined with students to look back upon their adolescence and thus provided us a clearer view of the social and educational backgrounds they once lived in, and their understanding of the true essence of education. Teachers, being one of the most magnificent and beaconing careers in modern society, paved the path for everyone to receive an equal education. When teachers in HBBSS are being placed in an equal place with the students and recalling and sharing their obstacles and life pursuit in adolescence in the class, ninth graders in HBBSS can fully understand their unflagging attitude toward education.


Portraying on the broad canvas of the future, we are displaying to the world a totally exceptional artwork for adolescence. Not all stories will be torrential with storms of adolescence or be successful with flowers and applauses, but each of them will glow with the depth of life after years of pursuing our dreams and will remain indestructible over time.


—Discussions based on the personalized theme for each class

On March seventh, each class had lively and heated discussions about having self-discipline and freedom, building personal competencies, framing core competencies in the age of artificial intelligence, and remaining healthy in a fast-paced society. Discussing these four topics that are closely related to everyday life, and indulging in the heated discussions and debates, we gave birth to new ideas and harvested the joy of freely expressing ourselves. It is in these conversations and discussions that we are able to obtain a better understanding of our personalities and talents and acquire the ability to respect individuals' personalities. We accept our defects, reflect on others, and transform ourselves.


Grade nine class one-Theme for class meetings: Self-discipline, self-relief, and freedom.


Students, together with teachers, debated and analyzed the relationship between self-discipline and freedom, reaching an agreement after periods of sharing and receiving. Concerns for being regarded as immoral restrained the demons behind our souls and framed our merits, while fearless arbitrariness is the blasting fuse of sins. To be self-relieved on the basis of being self-disciplined, we are to achieve absolute freedom. Thus, the process of life-long learning calls for us to remain patient toward life and be earnest and down-to-earth.


Grade nine class two-Theme for the class meeting: Building personal competencies by preliminary exploration of different careers.


What determines you? What are your competencies? Whom you long to be? And what is your effort devoted to it?——“I don't know,” or, "I believe I am...interested." Although goals may appear hazy and uncertain to us now, earnestness and effort are also essential to us to fulfill our lives. Accepting our mediocrities, we can explore our specialties.


Grade nine class three—Theme for the class meeting: Core competencies for humanities in the age of artificial intelligence.


Under current social background, what is the destination for learning? Humans must question what qualities new-borders should obtain in order to survive and thrive. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is only repeating the process of copying and pasting. The lack of innovations marked the fatal defect for AI. Human beings should, by now, rethink the merits and meanings of humanities, and dig into the true essence of humans as a long-established and well-adapted race. Forming the abilities of critical thinking and obtaining inquiries toward traditions through close observations are the main quality we should derive in studying. Being conscious of the present is equally important as achieving success in life.


Grade nine class four-Theme for the class meeting: remain healthy in all areas of life.


Potential genes for canceration are concealed in our healthy genes in the body, as well as the ill wills in humanities, hidden behind our masks. Students are confused about whether to follow our authenticities during social interactions or not. The question of whether or not the full display of authenticity can lead to good destinations concerned us. Humans, being created and shaped by societies, must accept the fixed rules in societies, and listen to others' voices in the discussion. The fact that the authenticities of our students and teachers are being displayed should not blur our vision to see the darkness and truth of society. However, the pursuit of beauty and innocence in the world shall never end.


During the class meetings, the discussions of common problems in societies helped us reflect and transform ourselves. During the persistent pursuit of the essence of our lives, discussions, and debates will come along for us to utilize our intelligence. When discussing and debating, students in HBBSS, together with the teachers, will follow our eternal principle of understanding and respecting each other, and make conversations continue in our earnest request for essence. 


中| 9-2 吕佳妮   9-4 罗心远



编辑| 杨晨