
十月是我们杭校小学部的阅读月,一系列与阅读相关的活动随之而来, 淘书乐 Book Fair )就是其中一个令人激动和期待已久的活动。在活动前两天,小朋友们就已陆续将自己的图书带到学校,迫不及待地向老师兑换淘书券。热衷淘书的孩子们带来数目众多的书籍,琳琅满目,让人眼花缭乱。

10 24 日周日下午, 淘书乐 正式开展,淘书气氛十分热烈。活动刚开始,孩子们就迫不及待冲出教室要去淘别的班级的书,就像是要赶着去挖宝藏。教室里,不同班级的孩子们进进出出,在摆放整齐的书摊前面观望驻足,热切地去找寻自己感兴趣的书籍。走廊里,孩子们成群结队,边走边讨论着自己刚淘到的书籍,脸上挂着欣喜和满足的笑脸。很快,淘好书的孩子们回到班级,急不可耐地翻开自己的 书,如饥似渴地读了起来,沉浸在了书中的世界。活动尾声,义卖书摊上的全部一扫而空,孩子们满载而归。有了这些淘到的宝贝,相信孩子们在阅读月中定能收获满满!

淘书乐 中,孩子们不仅分享出自己的日常读物,也在淘书的过程中了解到自己身边的同伴们正在读的书。在交换图书的过程中,孩子们体会到分享的快乐是成倍的快乐,亦能感受到与同伴们分享交流一起读过的书籍则更是让人快乐得难以自抑呀!


October is the reading month of our primary school, and a series of reading related activities followed. "Tao Shu Le" (Book Fair) is one of the exciting and long-awaited activities. Two days before the activity, the children have successively taken their books to the school, and can't wait to exchange the book shopping tokens with the teachers. Children keen to find books to bring a large number of fun.


In the afternoon, October 24, "Book Fair" was officially launched. The atmosphere was really on fire. At the beginning of the activity, the children rushed out of the classroom to find books from other classes, like to dig treasure. In the classroom, children from different classes came in and out, watching in front of the neatly placed book. They were eager to find the books they are interested in. In the corridor, the children walked in groups, discussing the books they had just found, with smiling, happy and satisfied faces. Soon, the children who found good books returned to the class, eagerly opened their own "new" books, and read them eagerly. At the end of the activity, all the bazaar was swept away and the children returned with full satisfaction. With these new treasures, we believe that the children will be able to harvest full in the reading month!


In the "Book Fair", children not only shared their daily books, but also learn t  from the co o perations. In the process of exchanging books, the children realized that the happiness of sharing is multiplied, and also felt satisfied and fruitful!


| 四年级组

| 四年级组

编辑 | 杨晨