



紧接着, Mr. Alan Lyon Mr. Mark 、郑老师和陈老师作为中外教代表发表了教师寄语,欢迎同学们回到学校。 立志者有为之本 ,提醒同学保持奋斗,自主自律,怀揣远大志向!表达了老师们的深切期望:龙行龘龘,前程朤朤。


随后 , 顾主任与同学们分享了人工智能领域的前沿科研成果,如斯坦福大学重磅发布的开源机器人 Mobile Aloha ,能在日常环境中自主完成复杂的任务;哈工大研发的粘液机器人能消除血栓并排除体外,是血栓患者的福音。这些与我们生活息息相关的科技发明十分振奋人心,赢得了同学们的阵阵掌声!



学生代表也分享了丰富多彩的寒假生活和社会实践活动。一( 5 )班的徐启巍同学分享了作为消防志愿者的职业体验经历。二( 2 )班的康婉钰同学不仅利用假期时间阅读、攀岩、参加农场活动、参观博物馆等,还提前对新学期作出了详细规划。三( 3 )班刘冠宇游历了西安的秦始皇兵马俑,到洛阳体验传统中国年,过了个有意义的文化假期。 四( 4 )班唐重砾参与了 消防知识我来讲 红领巾志愿者,更积极发挥运动特长,在全国青少年软式曲棍球竞标赛中取得上海 U10 组冠军的好成绩!俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师,为同学们在假期积极参与各类社会实践并取得的累累硕果感到高兴!






Spring is coming with flowers blooming; today's sunshine is particularly bright, sprinkled in every corner of the campus. With a brisk pace, the students returned to the campus in good spirits and welcomed the wonderful campus life of the new semester with a surge of excitement.


The opening ceremony started with a solemn national song. The teachers and students all stood up, staring at the bright five-star national flag, and the sound of the national anthem expressed the students' enthusiasm.


Then Mr. Alan Lyon, Mr. Mark, Mr. Zheng, and Mr. Chen, representatives of Chinese and foreign teachers, welcomed the students back to the school." Aspiring is the foundation of success " reminds students to maintain struggle, autonomy, and self-discipline with lofty aspirations! I expressed the teachers' deep expectations: Having an excellent future in the year of Dragon.


Then, Director Ms. Gu shared with the students the cutting-edge scientific research achievements in artificial intelligence, such as Mobile Aloha, an open-source robot released by Stanford University, which can complete complex tasks independently in a daily environment. The mucus robot developed by HIT can eliminate blood clots and exclude the body, which is the Gospel of thrombus patients. These technological inventions closely related to our lives are very exciting and won the applause of the students!


The students then pondered an important question: What should we do in the age of artificial intelligence? The students spoke enthusiastically; some said we should improve and strive to develop more robots. Some students put forward the need to set up relevant inhibition mechanisms. Some students confidently said that no matter how powerful the robot is, we humans design it, and the final key is still in the hands of humans.


Student representatives also shared colorful winter vacation life and social practice activities. Xu Qiwei from Class 1-5 shared his professional experience as a fire volunteer. Kang Wanyu from Class 2-2 read, rock climbed, participated in farm activities, visited museums, and made a detailed plan for the new semester in advance. Class 3-3 Liu Guanyu traveled to Xi 'an to see the Terracotta Warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang and to Luoyang to experience the traditional Chinese New Year and have a meaningful cultural holiday. Class 4-4 Tang Chongshi participated in the "I tell the fire knowledge" red scarf volunteers, actively improved their sports skills and won the champion of the Shanghai U10 group in the National Youth Soft Hockey Competition! As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, inspiring students in the holiday to participate in social practice and achieve awesome achievements!


Finally, it was the students most expected the semester ten-star award; the students received the moment of the award, and joy is beyond words!


The new semester is a new journey for the students; let us work together to meet new challenges. Happy new semester! Achieve your dreams; I wish the students a higher level in the new semester!




图|杨晨 金蕾

编辑|董丽   吴培栋