




经过老师对猜灯谜的来源与规则的简单介绍之后,学生们好似受到了召唤般涌向一排排的谜面,参与者们或三五成群,或独自一人,争先恐后地想要抢夺自己偷偷 预定 好的灯谜。因为,猜中者不仅可以获得精美的小礼品,还能从老师手中接过象征吉祥如意的红包,大家都争做拔得头筹的那个幸运儿。






The very first week of this new semester saw the overlapping of the opening ceremony and the Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival, since ancient times, has been an important traditional holiday. The guessing of lantern riddles, as an important custom, adds to the festive atmosphere. To help the students better understand this traditional holiday and experience its harmonious and lively atmosphere, teachers organized a unique collective activity of guessing lantern riddles during PG lesson of the first week.


With the joint efforts of the teachers and students, colorful riddle cards were in advance hung in every coner in each classroom, planting seeds of anticipation in the hearts of the students. As the official activity time drew nearer, the excitement on everyone's faces became increasingly difficult to conceal.


After the teacher briefly introduced the origin and rules of guessing lantern riddles, the students seemed to be summoned and flocked to the rows of riddles.They competed eagerly to grab the riddles which they had "reserved" secretly. This was because the winners could not only receive exquisite gifts but also red envelopes symbolizing good luck and prosperity from the teachers. Everybody wanted to be the lucky one to win first.


In addition to guessing lantern riddles, the teachers also served the students their sincerest blessings. They hoped that the students would achieve academic success, stay healthy, and enjoy happiness in the new year. These beautiful blessings, like the lanterns of the Lantern Festival, warmed the hearts of everyone.


This Lantern Festival lantern riddle feast not only allowed everyone to feel the strong festive atmosphere but also promoted communication and interaction between teachers and students. During the process of guessing lantern riddles, everyone exercised their minds and enjoyed the joy of wisdom. In the moment of gathering together, everyone shared their joy and blessings with each other. This was truly an event filled with reunion, joy, and beautiful blessings!


中| 6-3 苏于然

英|6-2 马紫晨

图|6-7年级各老师及 6-3 许绮羽
