
  “The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” —— Descartes

读书不觉已春深,一寸光阴一寸金 ”; 阅读是开启孩子智慧的窗,是打开孩子心灵的门。为从小培养孩子爱阅读、乐阅读、会阅读的习惯,杭校延续每学期的阅读月,在 4 月开展了 淘书乐 阅读主题活动。让我们一起投身书籍的海洋,去感受杭校莘莘学子阅读的快乐吧!


淘书乐,简言之,即 以书换券、以券淘书 ,孩子们用读过的书换 淘书券 ,再用 淘书券 淘自己喜爱的书。瞧,一本本精心准备的书籍被整齐地摆放在班级的书摊上,似乎在召唤着来往的人儿,想要让更多的人认识到它们的魅力。同学们一个个兴高采烈,在摊位前认真地挑选着、品读着,直到找到自己喜爱的那本书。


杭校学子们享受着精心淘书的过程,而率先淘好书的同学们则已在各班的阅读区津津有味地读起来 ...... 你瞧,他们读得多认真啊!有的在探索科学知识,有的跟随着书本一起进入了动漫英文故事的世界,不亦乐乎!以书润心,与智同行。让我们营造出 多读书、好读书、读好书 的良好氛围,让 以读书为荣,以读书为乐 成为孩子们的一种时尚、一种自觉。


如果把生活比喻为创作的意境,那么阅读就像阳光。热爱书吧 —— 这是知识的泉源!带着高尔基先生的呼吁,让我们与书为友,这将是杭校赠予每位学子最可宝贵的财富之一。


“Reading without realizing it is already deep in spring, an inch of time is an inch of gold”; reading is the window that opens the child's wisdom. Others will say the door that opens the child's heart. In order to cultivate the habit of children's love of reading and the joy of reading, and knowing how to read from an early age is important. HBBSS continues the reading month each semester, and carried out the “Book Fair” this past April 2024. What a pleasure to see and witness! Books light up the life, overflow the campus. Let's plunge into the sea of books together and feel the happiness of reading of HBBSS students!


In short, “book hunting” means exchanging books for vouchers. Children give thier old books to exchange for vouchers to get a new book! In our photos above, books were neatly arranged in the classroom bookstall. The students were all excited, carefully selecting and reading the books in front of the booth until they found their favorite book!


As the old saying goes, “In books you can find not only gold but also gorgeous beauty”. The act of reading can help growth from the vision of others, thus broadening their horizons. Reading allows the kids and us to learn from the experience of others to gain enlightenment, giving us more thinking and problem-solving methods, but also help return to our own quiet mind in the hustle and bustle of life. Students browsed many colorful and fun books in the bookstall and then focusing on reading thier new books with satisfaction afterwards. You see, they are reading so seriously! Some of them are exploring scientific knowledge, and some of them are having fun following the books into the world of anime English stories!What a pleasure to see and witness! Therefore, we should create an active atmosphere such as “more reading is good reading” so that the awareness “to read for honor and pleasure” become a great habit for children to improve.


“If life is compared to a creative mood, then reading is like sunshine. Love books - they are the source of knowledge!” With Mr. Gorky's appeal, let's make friends with books, which will be one of the most valuable treasures of HBBSS to each student. 



文字 | 姚奕

图片 | 小学部

编辑 | 杨晨