







本次出游活动,学校内开设绘画采风小队,准备用手中的笔来捕捉大自然的美丽。同学将队伍取名为原生艺术绘画小队。 在这里,同学们将依靠本能和天性自发创作。









In May 6, 2024, the first day after the May Day holiday, spring breeze, flowers bloom. We gracefully ushered in social practice activities; it is taken place in Shanghai Chen Shan Botanical Garden. Students started a new week with great excitement. What makes everyone look forward to is, in addition to the regular activities, HBBSS has also set up four project teams: scientific research group, bird-watching group, painting group, and the photography group. From the preliminary selection, 26 like-minded students are been selected. The teachers made full preparations in the early stage, including designing the team flags and formulating the project plan. With the thorough preaparation, the activities of the project team were carried out successfully and more than expected.


Science Research Group

The science research group went to the renowned Chen Shan Botanical Garden to research on the diverse plants and animals in the garden. The botanical garden is famous for its rich plant species, which made it an ideal place for this scientific research. With the professional explanation of the teacher, the students made detailed observations and records.


Bird Watching Group

Led by the experted teacher, the ten members of the birding group traveled through the park, heading towards the forest and the river to less populated areas. Along the way, they encountered many interesting creatures, such as thrushes hopping back and forth among the flowers and bushes, egrets weaving above the river, and the Gray Pachyderms singing high up on the branches. Tall trees blocked the sunlight, casting dark shadows, the sound of birdsong and rustling came from the leaves, and the branches were constantly moving, so the team didn't dare to let their guard down. Birdwatching is actually a great test of alertness and physical strength, since we have to keep our necks up still and listen to birds’ twittering. Although legs will be sore after standing for a long time, the team members still looked attentively, and took the binoculars to look at the movements of the birds. We pay fully attention to the actions of birds, and no one rested or made noises in the middle. 


Painting Group

For this trip, the painting team was set up in the school to capture the beauty of nature with their brushes. The students named the team "Native Art.” Here, students will create their own artwork by instinct and nature, and their love for creating artwork comes from the purest depths of their hearts.


Photography Group

The Photography Group carried out a unique photography practice activity in the springful botanical garden. Students recorded the vitality of nature through their unique perspectives and lenses. They also recorded the cheerful moments of schoolmates along traveling. The team members observed and discussed with each other while taking the photos. This led to the improvement of their photography skills.


Every student has achieved fruitful results, they harvest companionships and learn to gain an optimistic mood toward nature. Let's listen to the voices of the group members:

Photography group student Y:

"I took the initiative to sign up for the photography group. Compared with the previous fixed route and doing almost nothing except for picnicing, this social practice seems more flexible and purposeful, which also let me to be intriguing participating in social practice. In this activity we saw the beautiful scenery through the small viewfinder. The shutter was pressed again and again to record the laughter of the students. Thanks to the school for providing us with such a valuable opportunity to expand our learning and hobbies, as well as gathering some like-minded buddies. Also, thanks to Mr. Chen for leading us together to understand the beauty of life through photography."


Birdwatching group student Q:

"For this activity, we went to feel the vivid beauty of birds in the harmonious meadow, to understand and record the morphological characteristics of birds, their chirping sounds, flight positions, etc. At the same time, we also learned to be civilized birdwatchers and realized the importance of observation and willpower for learning. Birdwatching activities as a long-term hobby can be associated with environmental protection and understanding of biodiversity."


Science Research Group student N:

"We conducted research on various plants and animals in the Chen Shan Botanical Garden to learn about the plants and ecological environments in various regions. We also observed the growth of various plants in a natural environment not regulated by human beings. During this time, we also immersed ourselves in nature, enjoying the beauty of nature to cultivate our bodies and minds. The academic pressure we have accumulated recently was also released, and we all felt relaxed after finishing this social practice."


Painting Group students A and E:

"The flowers seemed to dance on the paper as we bury ourselves in the scenes and painted enthusiastically, capturing their spirituality with every mark. It's amazing how closely we are connected to nature when we slow the pace down.

"In the tranquil moments during picnics, we reflected on the profound lessons we had learned throughout the day. Not only have we enhanced our artistic ability to sketch, but we have deepened our connection to the natural world, finding inspiration in its infinite beauty.

"As the day draws to a close, we organize our drawings and memories, grateful for the opportunity to explore, create, and grow together. Our field trip may be over, but the beauty and affinity we experienced will stay with us forever."


Teachers leading this activity are also full of harvest, come to listen to their voices science research group Mr. Chen:

"Regarding this spring trip, the children were quite productive, enthusiastic, and had a strong interest in biological observation. When I led the Scientific Research group, the children often consulted me on how to write a more formal and detailed report when recording the characteristics of plants, and when they encountered unclear definitions and plants, they would immediately seek advice on me or look up around the evironment, this touched me very much. The students often accompanied their reports with pictures and structural features to make the reports more concrete. Personally, I think this activity is quite a big boost to students' scientific literacy, and I hope there will be more similar activities in the future."

Ms. Qiu, Painting and Picking Group:

"The painting and sketching activity in our school's Chen Shan Botanical Garden was a special and meaningful experience. As a teacher, I witnessed how the students found inspiration in nature and how they transformed the beauty in front of them into vivid works on paper. During the activity, I encouraged the students to observe carefully and feel with their hearts. They crouched or stood, gazed or touched lightly, trying to capture every detail and moment. Their brushes flew on the paper, colors intertwined, and a vivid and creative work was finally presented. This activity not only improved the students' drawing skills, but more importantly, taught them how to draw inspiration from life and how to transform the beauty of nature into the power of art. This drawing activity not only is a feast of art, but also a brush of the soul. I believe that this experience will become a valuable memory and motivation on their artistic path."


We also interviewed Mr. Lu, the initiator of the event, to learn more about the event


Q1: Hello, Mr. Lu! I'm curious about how you come up with the idea of launching such an event?

Mr. Lu: Ha, it was when I saw a group of students painting in the park with the lead of teacher. I used this idea with the teachers in our school; I thought we could organize students to complete similar projects when we were out of the campus.

Q2: What were your reasons for starting the spring trip group?

Mr. Lu: I wanted to make social practice activities richer and gather students with the same interests to complete meaningful projects together. In this kind of group activities, the students could experience teamwork and let them to develop their own interests and specialties.

Q3: Will there be more of this type of activity in the future?

Mr. Lu: Of course, this was the first time we tried it, and the feedback was great, so we will increase the number of groups in the future so more students could participate in the program.


Through this social practice activity, students have gained a lot: they have developed their hobbies and learned a lot about nature and outdoor knowledge …… More importantly, they have met many like-minded friends. In the future, we look forward to work together and complete more meaningful projects.



| 李承恩 钱书芸

| 钱书芸 刘铭暄

| 陈嵘 仇淑晗 钱书芸 吕禹暶

指导老师 | 鲁飞杰 李晶 仇淑晗 陈嵘 陈建宏

编辑 | 杨晨