大放异彩:“童声童趣·Fun声六一”小学Talent Show





紧接着,乐动心弦环节将观众带入了一个音乐的殿堂。G4-5的周亮羽带来了古筝独奏《将军令》,古筝的悠扬旋律仿佛让人置身于古代战场,感受到了将军的英勇与豪迈。随后, G4-4 的唐重跞用小提琴演绎的一曲《 He's a pirate 》,激昂的旋律如同海盗船在波涛汹涌的大海上乘风破浪,令人热血沸腾。而 G1-4 的陈艺洛、 G1-2 的杨乐山、 G1-3 的杨乐水三人合作表演的乐武《沧海一声笑》,更是将音乐与武术完美融合,展现了孩子们的多才多艺和无限创意。


第三章节舞林大会,更是将现场气氛推向了高潮。G4-3的梁琬晴以一曲《天涯共此时》展现了古典舞的柔美与韵味,仿佛让人穿越到了古代的宫廷之中。 G1-1 全体女生的歌舞《上春山》则充满了青春与活力,她们用欢快的舞步和甜美的歌声,为观众带来了一场视觉与听觉的盛宴。 G1-6 的王晨曦带来的儿童舞《爱吃果果的小松鼠》,以其俏皮可爱的形象和灵动活泼的表演,赢得了现场观众的阵阵掌声。


第四章节声入人心,更是让人感受到了孩子们的多才多艺和创造力。G4-3的梁琬晴、余瑨林、朱星瑶带来的相声表演《三大才女》,用幽默诙谐的语言和生动的表演,让现场观众捧腹大笑。 G1-2 的夏亦萱、 G2-5 的曹馨雅、 G4-1 的葛瑛琪,以及 G3-1 的唐韵伊、龚一舟、黄子琂、 G3-4 的王诚依、朱雅睿等同学都用甜美的歌声展现了他们对美好生活的向往和追求


最后,学校小学音乐剧社团带来的音乐剧表演Frozen,以及啦啦操校 B 队带来的技巧啦啦操,将整场演出推向了高潮。音乐剧 Frozen 中,孩子们用生动的表演和感人的剧情,向观众展现了爱、勇气与成长的力量。而啦啦操校 B 队的技巧啦啦操,则展现了孩子们团结、拼搏、向上的精神风貌。



On the sunny Children's Day, the primary department of Shanghai Jinshan Hangzhou Bay Bilingual School held a spectacular talent show. Named "Dreams Take Flight, Talents Shine," the event not only showcased the students' diverse talents but also allowed them to enjoy a memorable and joyful holiday.


Kicking off the show, the primary choir delighted the audience with "Content," singing with angelic voices that expressed their love and satisfaction for life. Their melodies flowed like a mountain stream, touching the hearts of everyone and setting a warm and beautiful tone for the entire performance.


Next, the "Heartstrings of Music" segment transported the audience into a realm of melody. Zhou Liangyu from G4-5 performed a solo guzheng piece titled "General's Order," with the instrument's graceful melodies evoking images of ancient battlefields and the bravery of generals. Following that, Tang Chongluo from G4-4 presented a violin solo, "He's a Pirate," whose intense melody was akin to a pirate ship sailing through turbulent seas, igniting a sense of adventure and excitement. A collaboration between Chen Yiluo from G1-4, Yang Leshan from G1-2, and Yang Leshui from G1-3 in a martial arts-inspired performance of "A Laugh in the Vast Ocean" perfectly fused music and martial arts, showcasing the children's versatility and creativity.


The "Martial Arts Gala" chapter further escalated the atmosphere. Liang Wanjing from G4-3 presented a classical dance titled "Sharing the Moment with the Horizon," exhibiting the elegance and charm of classical dance as if transporting the audience to an ancient imperial palace. The ensemble dance "Ascending Spring Mountain" by all the female students from G1-1 was filled with youth and vitality, delighting the audience with lively dance moves and sweet singing. Wang Chenxi from G1-6 captivated the audience with her charming and lively performance of the children's dance "The Squirrel Who Loves Fruit."


The "Voices Touching Hearts" chapter further highlighted the children's talents and creativity. Liang Wanjing, Yu Jinlin, and Zhu Xingyao from G4-3 delighted the audience with their comic performance "Three Talented Ladies," using humorous dialogue and vivid acting to evoke laughter. A group of students including Xia Yixuan from G1-2, Cao Xinya from G2-5, Ge Yingqi from G4-1, Tang Yunyi, Gong Yizhou, and Huang Zilin from G3-1 performed a heartfelt song titled "I Hope You Are Loved by the World," conveying their care and wishes for the children through their singing. Wang Chengyi and Zhu Yarui from G3-4 enchanted the audience with their sweet rendition of "Little Bliss."


Finally, the school's primary musical theater troupe brought the show to a climax with their performance of the musical "Frozen," while the B-team of the cheerleading squad presented a skillful cheerleading routine. The musical "Frozen" showcased the power of love, courage, and growth through the students' vivid performances and heartfelt storytelling. The cheerleading routine by the B-team displayed the children's spirit of unity, perseverance, and upward mobility.


The entire performance concluded with laughter and applause, as the children showcased their talents and enthusiasm, presenting the audience with a spectacular visual and auditory feast. It was not just a showcase of talents but also a heart-to-heart exchange, allowing the children to feel the power of growth through joy.




