



典礼开始前,5年级同学们身着毕业服,在礼堂依次落座。 13 30 ,在主持人初琪琪和 Mr.Kyle 老师的介绍下,同学们以热烈掌声欢迎唐盛昌先生、学监李英女士、学监王念祖先生,金慕华校长、袁尚伟书记、李晶主任、顾佳韵主任、陈醉雨主任进入礼堂落座。


一曲歌毕,礼堂又奏起国歌。同学们纷纷起立,以少先队礼迎接。而后,5-4班马靖皓同学作为五年级学生代表上台发言。他回顾了自己在杭校这五年的美好生活,正是因为有了老师的支持,同学的鼓励,同学们才能活跃在各个舞台上展现杭校学子的自信昂扬和活力四射。 少年当有凌云志,万里长空竞风流。 他提到,不论身处何方,我们仍然会秉持初心,保持一颗上进之心,迎接每一次挑战,书写自己的精彩人生。

随后,5-6班薛斯齐妈妈作为家长代表发言。她提到,学校的办学理念 —“ 中国核,世界流 当初深深地吸引了每一位家长。 五年来,我们真切的感受到这不仅仅是一句口号,更是学校落实在方方面面的实际行动。 这句话更是赢得了在场所有人的共鸣。


紧接着,金慕华校长代表学校接受了五年级毕业生的赠礼 —— 六株海棠树。海棠祝福祝杭校学子学成归来,报效祖国。也同时祝福同学们在杭校茁壮成长,也将在某一日亭亭如盖,绽放属于自己的光芒。


接下来,便是同学们最期待的环节 —— 拨穗仪式。主持人们庄严地宣读着每位毕业生的名字,同学们依次上台,由金校长、袁校长、李主任、顾主任和陈主任分别为每位同学拨穗、颁发毕业证书。孩子们脸上挂着笑容,更体现了他们对于未来学习生涯的向往与憧憬。


牵挂孩子们成长的老师们献上了他们特殊的祝福,G5中外教们以及同学们为大家带来一首师生合唱:《是老师是学生》。这首歌的歌词由五年级老师改编,歌词扣人心弦,而老师与学生的情感,也正如师生最后合唱中的歌词所言: 我希望你被爱着,我希望你要快乐,我希望我的守护,能为你点一盏灯。 师生情之隽永,唯以歌言之。



毕业典礼结束后,家长们和同学们移步至5年级学生的微型毕业绘画展 ——“ 绘梦启杭 。学生用笔用心描绘了杭校的各个角落,这些都是他们从一年级开始学习、阅读、玩耍过的场景,勾起了大家对杭校往日学习生活的点滴,串联起整个童年回忆。




青春不散场,梦想正启 。杭校如一艘承载着过去的船只,我们曾在这里留下多少欢笑与感动,又将在这里驶向新的远方。未来虽难免乘风破浪,但当学子们回首时,杭校仍是每位同学能够停歇的心灵港湾。祝愿每位学子都能奔向属于自己的远方,在未来闪闪发光!


On the 17th of June, 2024, the fifth-grade students of Hangzhou Bay Bilingual School in the class of 2024 ushered in their primary school graduation ceremony. This drew the end of their primary school here, and will welcome them to a brighter future.


The graduation ceremony was attended by Mr. Tang Shengchang, Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Li Ying, Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Wang Nianzu, Superintendent of Schools.


Before the ceremony started, Year 5 students, dressed in their graduation uniforms, took their seats in the auditorium in order. 13:30, under the introduction of the hosts Kiki Chor and Mr. Kyle, students welcomed Mr. Tang Shengchang, Ms Li Ying, the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Wang Nianzhu, the Principal Muhua Jin, the Secretary Yuan Shangwei, the Director Li Jing, the Director Gu Jiayun, and the Director Chen Zui Yu into the auditorium with a warm round of applause.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the Primary School Choir presented a song "Daylily Flower" to the teachers and students present, which was enchantingly and beautifully sung, just like the water of the Qingjiang River.


After the song, the national anthem was played in the auditorium. The students stood up and greeted with the Young Pioneer salute. Afterwards, Ma Jinghao from class 5-4 spoke on the stage as the representative of fifth grade students. He recalled his five years of good life in Hangzhou School. It is because of the support of teachers and encouragement of students that students can be active on all stages to show Hangzhou School students' self-confidence and vitality. "A young man should have the ambition to compete with the wind in the sky." He mentioned that no matter where we are, we will still uphold the original intention, keep a heart of progress, meet every challenge and write our own wonderful life.


Afterwards, Mum Xue Siqi of Class 5-6 spoke as a parent representative. She mentioned that the school's philosophy of "Chinese identity, global perspective" had deeply attracted every parent at the beginning. "Over the past five years, we have come to realize that this is not just a slogan, but also a practical action that the school has implemented in every aspect." These words resonated with everyone in the room.


At the same time, she also recalled that during the five years in Hangzhou Bay Bilingual School, students have improved every year and achieved various awards. This could not be done without the parents' dedication and the teachers' devoted teaching. Finally, she expressed her best wishes to the students and hoped that they could take everything they have learnt in these five years to bravely meet every challenge and continue to pursue their dreams.


Immediately after, on behalf of the school, Principal Jin Muhua accepted the gift of six begonia trees from the fifth-grade graduates. This begonia blessing wishes for the Hangzhou School students to return home after their studies and serve the motherland. At the same time, it also blessed the students to grow up strongly in Hangzhou School, and they will also be pavilion-like: a cover for students to blossom in their own light.


After that, Principal Yuan came to the stage to make a speech.


Principal Yuan mentioned that in the past five years, Hangzhou School has always been practicing the education philosophy of Chinese identity, global perspective, going out, coming back, raising the strengths and making the shortcomings, and constantly achieving the goal of letting ordinary children become excellent and letting excellent children become more brilliant. At the same time, he hoped that all students can achieve faith in their hearts, and can travel far. To firmly believe in the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and now the dreams of our forefathers are being realized by us continuously. Each of us should be prepared to embrace the wider world in the future and believe in the power of truth, goodness and beauty.


Next was the most anticipated part of the ceremony - the tassel plucking ceremony. The presiding officer solemnly read out the names of the graduates, and the students went up to the stage one by one, where Principal Jin, Principal Yuan, Director Li, Director Gu and Director Chen respectively plucked the tassels and awarded the graduation certificates to each of the students. The smiles on the children's faces were a reflection of their aspirations and longing for their future careers.


Teachers who are concerned about the children's growth offered their special blessings, and the G5 Foreign Teachers and students presented a chorus of "For Teachers, For Students". The lyrics of this song were adapted by a 5th grade teacher; the lyrics are heart-warming, and the emotion between teachers and students is just like the lyrics in the final chorus of teachers and students: "I hope you are loved; I hope you are going to be happy; I hope my guardianship can light a lamp for you." The timelessness of teacher-student love is only expressed in song.


June is a farewell and a beginning. At the end of the graduation ceremony, students went on stage and sang the graduation song "Youthful Time" to express their love for the past. The song contains sadness, disappointment and new expectations.


After the graduation ceremony, parents and students moved to the miniature graduation painting exhibition of Grade 5 students - "Drawing Dreams to Start Hangzhou". The students used their brushes to depict various corners of Hangzhou School, which are the scenes where they have studied, read and played since the first grade, evoking the past learning life of Hangzhou School and linking the entirety of their childhood memories.

On the opposite of the exhibition are each class display board students' growth photos and message cards full of each child’s growth mark and their gratitude to their parents.


Afterwards, some parents and students went to the playground, where they released balloons and dreams. Here, they had a group photo and shared the best memories of graduation.


Youth is never over, and dreams are starting "Hangzhou". Hangzhou School is like a ship carrying the past, where we have left a lot of laughter and touches, and where we will sail to a new faraway place. Although the future is inevitable, when the students look back, Hangzhou School is still a harbor where every student can rest his/her heart. I wish every student can run to their own faraway place and shine brightly in the future!



中文 | 徐帆

英文 | Mr.Kai

图片 | 五年级组

编辑 | 杨晨