活力四射| 初中小型运动会


Todayall students in middle school had a mini sports competition. The students were all very excited and were looking forward to this sports competition.



When all the students gathered in the playground and were settling down, the teacher announced that the Sports Competition had began.



Then, he distributed the kind of sports which each grade would compete with other classes in their grade. In the end, sixth grade were tug-of-war, seventh grade were playing dodge ball, and eighth grade had long jump ropes.





Finally, the competition began. All the students were cheering and yelling loudly toward their classmates. Excitement was filling the playground.



Time passed as quickly as a spacecraft. One student said, “Thirty minutes passed and none of us had noticed it, and we were all very excited!”



This mini sports competition was very excited and the students participated well. Also, this competition had let the students experienced teamwork. Another student exclaimed, “I’m looking forward to the next sports competition!”




/英| 62)班 杨一依 姜舒菡

图| 杭州湾双语学校新闻中心

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