讲述中国故事,传承中国文化 ∣杭校初中部年级集会


On Dec. 18th, HBBSS had its usual Monthly Assembly.



Before the commendation, the teacher talked about something really interesting and inspiring. Recently, a person called Li Ziqi has been very famous on the Internet and has a large number of fans. Li Ziqi is a unique online celebrity. How? She shows great love to life and records everything with sincerity. From each of her photos and videos, we can feel the beauty of nature and the art of life. With her own way, she spreads valuable things in traditional Chinese culture to people all over the world and gives us a sense of happiness.





But why would our teacher talk about that? Well, we can understand that our teachers hope that we are able to spread our Chinese culture in the future just like what she is doing.



The other thing was a great inspiration to us, too. On Nov. 17th, 2019, the first national aircraft carrier entered service and smoothed over the pity. China is getting more and more powerful, and we need to do our best for the future development.




The last part was the commendation for “Chinese Star”, “Math Star”, “English Star”, “Daily Topic Star”, etc.. Also, every classroom was awarded the Charming Classroom. Each classroom is carefully decorated and makes our school a beautiful place and each student’s effort is making our school better and better.









The significance of this assembly is not to know who gets the high score, but let us understand that everyone should contribute to China's great revival!







编辑| 徐思思 程艺旋