众志成城抗疫情| G6优秀绘画小报作品展示

This winter vacation, a war without gun smoke affects everyone's heart. Each of us isolated at home is a fighter against the new corona virus. Our G6 students, although studying at home, are always concerned about the changes in the epidemic. Through their paintings and tabloid works, they express their concern for frontline soldiers, their determination to the triumph of the battle, and their best wishes for our motherland.


The following is a demonstration of great works of our G6 students:



Where there is a will, there is a way. The difficulty of fighting against the new corona virus is only temporary. Through the unremitting efforts of everyone, we will certainly be able to overcome the difficulty and achieve a great triumph!





/英| 杭州湾双语学校新闻中心

编辑| 徐思思 程艺旋